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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

 Today, oh glorious day, a Savior was born.

Today a tiny baby who is everlasting, issued forth from an exhausted, laboring woman.

Today the Great God of the universe came in a package tiny enough to fit in the crook of his adopted father's arm.

Today a mother and father looked into the face of God. Touched his tiny fingers and toes, kissed his perfect lips, snuggled His baby head into their shoulders.

Today God entrapped himself in baby flesh so He could walk with you and talk with you, and understand you intimately.

Today Love was breastfed. Truth was burped. Hope wore a diaper. Peace was rocked quietly against a soothing heartbeat. Life slept in the curve of a mother's body.

Today we were given the chance to live eternally in the humble setting of haystacks and manure.

Today, Bethlehem brought forth the greatest gift ever known to man, and didn't even know it.

I wrote this last year and posted it on my personal blog on Christmas Day. I like it so much that I decided to share it with you all this year. 

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