
Monday, September 19, 2011

Wool Play Pizza

I found this little toy rolling pin at Michaels and grabbed it for Bunny because she loves working with me to make pizza dough.  In fact, she so associates the rolling pin with pizza dough that she calls it "pizza dough." 

So, I decided she needed pizza dough.  I'm a very new crocheter and I looked up a pattern for pizza and didn't find what I was looking for but I did find a pattern for oreo cookies.  I added a couple of rows to it and voila! Bunny had her pizza dough.  But then, she needed toppings so I added some cheese and tomato sauce.  Later, after these pictures were taken, I added a pepperoni and pepper topping.  Each time I got a little better at figuring out how crocheting works so I could make a pizza topping that stopped ruffling. 

In any case, Bunny loves it--though it isn't a thing of beauty or anything--and she rolls out pizzas for Mommy and Daddy all the time now!  Best thing, is that since it's wool, it's completely safe for her to chew on!


  1. ¡Qué encantadora y linda se ve comiendo su pizza de lana!

    ¡Qué lindo trabajo!


  2. that is adorable and I am completely shocked you don't have the new blog button on your page :) hee hee!
