
Friday, May 6, 2011

Jewelry that Helps Stop Prostitution

I have friends who are missionaries in Thailand.   One of the ministries they are working with is called Night Light International.  The women there make things--specifically jewelry in this case--to make a living wage so that they won't have to resort to prostitution.  What a blessing, huh? 
If you're interested in buying some really beautiful jewelry and supporting a good cause too, check out their store:

Check out some of the other things they have for sale:
I love this one.  They have one that says "Not buying" too.  My friend's husband wears that one. 
Then there are these gorgeous numbers:

I'm definitely going to make this store a stop on my birthdays and Christmas list from now on. I knew that they were making jewelry before, but I hadn't known that it was available for purchase. This is so great!


  1. totally not my style of jewelry, but really cool!!!

  2. What beautiful stuff! I'll have to remember that! A girl in our church went on a mission trip to Cambodia to work with human trafficking there, and her stories have really opened our eyes here. I'm glad to know about another similar organization working to help women and girls living in situations that we can't even imagine.

  3. I love this idea and what they are supporting. Thanks for posting this!
