One of my friends and I both sew cloth diapers. She does them just for her son, and I do them, as you know, for friends, family, and My Etsy Shop.
In any case, we've often given each other diapers--sometimes store bought, sometimes sewn. It's sort of fun to obsess about cloth diapers with her occasionally, share our new CD discoveries, and show off the adorable little things we've been making lately.
A couple of months ago, she found a pattern online for this oddly shaped prefold. I don't remember if the pattern called for elastics or if it's something she added herself. But I do know that she tweaked the pattern to make it more form fitting and that some of this idea is all her own. In any case, she made about five of them, and I would put the snaps on for her, since I have the Kamsnaps pliers and she won't ever need enough snaps to justify buying a set for herself. Despite the fact that I didn't need to be compensated, she offered me one of these adorable diapers made out of the most luscious bamboo velour and I was so in love with it, I just couldn't refuse! It's not only soft, gentle, and fitted, they also dry quickly because it's made of only one layer! Best of both worlds!
Check it out:
In our house we use it both covered and uncovered; for night and day. I think it's currently my favorite diaper! :-D
(Pardon the picture quality. I find it hard to chase my daughter down these days and get a good shot from her because she just doesn't sit STILL for anything!)
I've seen something similar without the elastic that was called a "Daddy Flat". It was two layers of birdseye cotton and also had the snaps. I think it's a great idea. After the Flats Challenge I may find some time to make some :)