
Monday, March 7, 2011

Algo Diferente...

So, I'm in the experimenting stages again of my Etsy shop. It's partly because I just bought a new sewing machine and in order to do my diapers the right way I need to save up for a new presser foot and partly because I just want to explore more options.  Not that I plan on stopping with the diapers and soakers, but I do plan on taking a little break from them--except for custom orders, of course. 

You already saw my T shirt tote bag.
I like it.  It's quality and will really hold up well no matter what you put inside.  I've also been experimenting with grocery bags which haven't gotten past the testing stages yet so you may or may not see them in the near future.  In the past I've played around with making sandwich bags but I wasn't really a fan of making them.  I made a couple of different kinds and they may or may not make it into the shop.  But then, I bought all these pacifier clips from and I thought, "What can I do with these other than make paci clips?" Then the answer came to me in a flash of brilliance as I searched for a way to display my work ID-- BADGE/ID HOLDERS!!! Yes, it's great, I know!  But I don't like to look like everyone else in the world so my ID holders are different--until someone else catches on and starts making ones just like mine. They're little animals! (I use the word "they" loosely, since most of these animals only exist in the creative recesses of my brain.  Only one has been born so far)

Here's my first! Currently, they'll be knit, but I can't promise to stick to that media since I'm sort of in love with using T shirt scraps.

My first is this monkey and he seems like just the character to hang from a doctor's or teacher's belt clip or pocket to calm the minds of the little human beings with whom he or she will be working.
He's got such character that what little kid wouldn't be set at ease with just one glance?  He measures 8" tall from hands to the tip of his tail and is made of 100% wool yarn stuffed with polyester fiberfil and he dares you not to smile back at him.  We'll see what other cute badge critters my hectic Spanish Teacher/SAHM/WAHM schedule will allow me to create in the next few months!

And keep on the lookout because I'm also creating a batch of fruit that will be listed as soon as it's complete! I want to make a bunch before I list them so I can list some individually and then offer a price cut if you get a set. I've knit three oranges and two apples so far.  I plan on knitting one more apple, three bananas, and three pears before putting them up.  It takes about a day to knit each one if I were to stick to that type of crafting exclusively, but I jump around from one project to another like a kid on sugar and caffeine--and I try to do it all while my daughter naps or when my hubby is home.  Yeesh!  Sometimes I wish I didn't need to sleep and eat.  That would make things so much easier! Ha ha!

Have a blessed day! :-D


  1. Ok the monkey is Super Cute! Do you think you could make it into a Pacifier clip somehow? If you Can I totally want one!!!

  2. That monkey is AWESOME. definitely pursue not only making these, but the business angle of it, because something could really come of that. Super cute. :D

  3. Um................I adore that monkey.

    That is all. =)

  4. What a creative way to use the paci clips. That monkey is one of the cutest things I've seen in a long time. There are so many applications for it. Would be great to attach to a card, a gift basket, or bunch of balloons to say "Hang in there." I bet kids would love something like that hanging on their backpacks. It can even be used as unique luggage tag. The possibilities are endless! Really great job! Judy @
