Crazy 4 Fluff is absolutely a sweetheart and not only apologized profusely for using my picture, but removed it immediately. I'm not the type of person to throw stones or hold a grudge so now I feel terribly that I brought this to her attention and put her through the trouble of changing it! This post is more a lesson for me than for her. Anyway, if you're into giveaways, she has tons, so I'd go on over there and check her out!
Yesterday I was perusing blogs and found this button:
I had to do a double take because I couldn't believe it, but that is my picture in this button--the button of a stranger:
And I'm not mad or angry at this person because she probably did what I do all the time--an image search. When I do an image search (which I generally do to find the perfect image to teach my students a vocabulary word), I never think twice about where I got the image from or the fact that it's sort of stealing to use their picture. So, I don't blame her for using something she found online because I'm also guilty of the same. I'm unnerved because she's a stranger, but quite flattered that she liked my picture.
I guess I just didn't realize how absolutely PUBLIC things are! I guess I thought that pictures I posted would be found if you found my blog posts, not on random searches. I should have known better. I think I was subconsciously naive about it all on purpose. Does that sound weird?
There is a point to this post, and it's not to call anyone out. The point is, I've known for a long time that I should watermark or tag my pictures. This was the final straw that has brought this point across. This fellow blogger used my photo for something innocent and fun. But who's to say someone won't take my images for something sinester?
So, from now on, I shall watermark my pictures. Pictures you see here and in my posts on The Cloth Diaper Blog will have either my name or my website because if someone's going to take my pictures, then at least people will know where the image came from.
So, my husband figured it out for me last night and here are a couple of pictures I've watermarked:
What do you think? I think it's a start, at least.
I love it......and I need to do the same thing. Like you, I've been thinking for awhile that "no, I don't need to do all of that...." like the world is better than that.....but you're right. Someone could yank them for something not so nice. How'd he do it? Was it easy? Wait........let me rephrase that. Would it be easy for ME? (Because I know that easy for Dave does not necessarily equate easy for me.) =)