
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Night Time Leaking

Bunny's pocket diapers have rarely leaked at night-- I mean, rarely if ever!--and we only use doublers occasionally.  But it's been three or four nights now that her diapers have leaked massively, soaking her clothing from the waist down.  At first I thought it was just a fluke, but then it happened night after night and with all my favorite brands of pocket diapers--Bum Genius, Happy Heinys, and my all-time, hands down, favorite pocket, Fuzzi Bunz.  When my Fuzzi Bunz leaked, I knew that it was time to do something differently.

So, tonight, Bunny is in one of my T Shirt Fitteds with a wool cover and two doublers.  Yes.  It's excessive, I know, but I'd rather start heavy and pull back.  I mean, it's this, or wake her up 1-2 times a night to change her which means that once awake, she'll nurse so much that I'll have to eat a fourth meal around 3am to make up for the calories lost and the hunger pangs that will follow, not to mention the sleep that will evade me and threaten to overtake me as I attempt to teach my high schoolers each morning.  In any case, I can't imagine wool failing.  PUL is great and all, but it repels and creates a barrier and when the absorbency of the inner layers has reached it's limit, then the moisture has nowhere to go but out, unless the diaper happens to be perfectly sealed at the leg and waist openings, which none are.  But wool absorbs, and does so slowly, soaking up more than 1/3 of it's weight so that if the absorbent layers aren't enough, it should pick up the slack.  At most, it will be damp in the morning, but it certainly shouldn't make her clothing damp.

If fitteds are going to be a regular night time thing for Bunny, I think I'm going to have to start adding a stay dry layer to them--well, at least to Bunny's fitteds.  I don't like the idea of using fabrics that aren't upcycled though, so maybe I'll just sew some liners for night time.  We'll have to see.  Having a heavy wetter is new for me.  I find it ironic, though, that now that she's nursing less and sleeping more, she's peeing more.  It's not like we changed her diaper when we woke up half asleep in the middle of the night before this for me to nurse her.  Maybe she's just taking in more volume.

Fitteds with wool worked great! No more urine leaking out onto her clothes and no more nasty microfiber smell! And what's better, is that you can use a fitted underneath a fleece sleeper with no cover because fleece has many of the same water resistant properties of wool!  This means, of course, that I need to make even more fitted diapers for her.  I've really stopped using her pockets lately and I'd never had to store all 40+ of them in the basket before.  My poor changing table is overflowing with pockets gathering dust, and soon the fitteds basket will have the same problem as I keep finding sentimental old T shirts to make fitteds for Bunny. 

1 comment:

  1. I use a nifty nappy, two inserts, and a wooly wrap which is two layers of wool, works like a charm!
