
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wanna win one of my diapers?

Hey, guys! Amy over at The Cheap and Choosy is giving away one (or two) of my T shirt fitted diapers.  You should go over and check it out.  She is the first person I've given a diaper away to so that she could do a review/giveaway.  I'm not too keen on doing lots of giveaways because I don't have much time to sew so I'd much rather just sew for the custom orders I get and my Etsy.  But I really like Amy.  She's great.  So I decided to give it a try.  Anyway, if you're interested in her opinion of my diapers, you can go see her thoughts at this link

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm now following you everywhere - you have a blog stalker - hee hee - I'd love to show you off for my Upcycle Week. Wouldn't it be fun?? :)

    LOVE your woolies!! LOVE your veggies! You are so talented! It looks like you have lots of fun making things.

    I'm going to go through t-shirts and see what I can find for :)

    crunchybeachmama @
