
Monday, October 25, 2010


Poor poor Bunny got a terrible diaper rash.  And it was our fault.  See, Bunny absolutely hates to get her diaper changed so lately we've sort of put it off to avoid the inevitable baby-wrestle that will follow.  And it was to her detriment because something in a poop last week must have given her an allergic reaction.  In any case, the rash that followed was TERRIBLE! Normally, we put her in some wool over a prefold or a fitted and her rashes (which are few and far between) go away, but this one just wouldn't quit.  So we went coverless.  This means that every time she wet, we could tell right away, and every time she pooped, it was easier to smell because it wasn't behind a cover.  I was seriously desperate when i first went coverless and I assumed that coverless would mean messes.  But there weren't any! Yes, the diaper was wet to the touch on the outside when she peed, but just damp.  It didn't even mess up my clothes when I carried her.  I went from changing her diaper about 6 times a day to changing it 10-12 times.  This means that my daughter's skin was very rarely in contact with wet fabric for more than a minute or two.  We coupled this with a liner and some Desitin every once in awhile (I couldn't find my Butt Paste :-( ), and the rash scabbed up quickly.  Now, I'm sort of hooked on fitted diapers with no covers! I thought I had a lot of fitted diapers, but found that I didn't nearly have enough once I tried to use them fulltime! So, of course, I rushed to make a bunch more.  In addition to the 6 diapers I made for my shop, I made Bunny 5 or 6 diapers of her own (perfecting my size Small pattern in the meantime) and it's really nice to put her in the most adorable diaper and then get to see it because I don't have to cover it up!  Well, her rash is clearing up nicely now and I seriously don't think I'll ever go back to waterproof diapers when I'm at home.  Going coverless is just awesome!!!


  1. She is just so adorable! I love it!!!

    The diapers are super cute too!

    What an amazing job you do mama.

  2. Cody is always coverless :) except at night, I even put him down for naps without a cover.

    He does sleep on a sheep skin though.

    The best thing, hands down, nothing compares, is lanolin. It is the most amazing stuff for a rash. I have used $25 bottles of diaper rash stuff someone gave me, didn't compare. I also found out lanolin protects the sheep from infections. It's the only thing I use now.

  3. She is so lucky that she has a Mama who knows how to sew!! Super cute Diapers!!

  4. does she ever wear pants?? lol i like her tall baby slipper boot things cute. btw this is caroline. im on moms thing. you need to put more pictures up on facebook. like pumpkin patch pictures? i know you brought her to one . . .

  5. Fitteds, no covers are all we wear at home during the summer and thanks to babylegs it will be that way a lot this winter too. :)
