So, I've been working on a pattern for a one size diaper cover lately. It's still in the works and there are a lot of kinks I need to iron out before I sell it. I'm also waiting for a teeny-tiny sized tester to be born within the next couple of weeks! I prefer friends to test my diapers so I can get their honest feedback and see the fit for myself. In any case, I made this for a friend to test and, since her son's nursery is decorated with turtles, I decided to applique this one and add turtle engraved snaps from The cover is made of an inner layer of PUL. As usual, the outer layer is made from upcycled T shirts which is sort of my signature thing, I guess! In any case, I'm pretty proud of it. I'm sure I"ll add it to my shop within the next couple of weeks or months. It's hard to say now that I"m back to teaching. I want to keep my priorities straight and not get so caught up in my shop that I don't spend enough time with my family. Oh, and sorry for the picture quality! I'd forgotten to take a picture of it so I did one really quickly with my iPhone before dropping it off at her house! Ha ha!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
A One Size Diaper Cover is in the works...
So, I've been working on a pattern for a one size diaper cover lately. It's still in the works and there are a lot of kinks I need to iron out before I sell it. I'm also waiting for a teeny-tiny sized tester to be born within the next couple of weeks! I prefer friends to test my diapers so I can get their honest feedback and see the fit for myself. In any case, I made this for a friend to test and, since her son's nursery is decorated with turtles, I decided to applique this one and add turtle engraved snaps from The cover is made of an inner layer of PUL. As usual, the outer layer is made from upcycled T shirts which is sort of my signature thing, I guess! In any case, I'm pretty proud of it. I'm sure I"ll add it to my shop within the next couple of weeks or months. It's hard to say now that I"m back to teaching. I want to keep my priorities straight and not get so caught up in my shop that I don't spend enough time with my family. Oh, and sorry for the picture quality! I'd forgotten to take a picture of it so I did one really quickly with my iPhone before dropping it off at her house! Ha ha!
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