
Sunday, July 25, 2010

New in the Shop

First of all, I'd like to preface by saying I'm sorry that my shop is all I've had time for these days. Being home for the summer you'd think I'd have more time, but with all the things my husband has committed to this summer, it's busier than during the school year.  I'm taking my 6th and final trip today.  This time it's without him--probably the first time ever and the longest we've ever been apart--because he's going on a missions trip where he'll be building houses and it just wouldn't suit to bring our little Bunny along and I don't go anywhere without her (except my PT teaching job and if I had the choice I wouldn't even do that)

In any case, this is why I've just had time to list my Etsy stuff here.  Etsy helps get the things we neeed--such as my daughter's birthday present which we just bought yesterday--SWEET!!! it's kind of important that I get to it before my blog.

Anyway, I made two more fitteds and a set of cloth wipes.  I had to raise the prices on my fitteds because $7 with around a $5 profit wasn't really worth it for all the time that goes into one of these things.  I probably should raise the prices on my handknit soakers as well since each of those takes about a week to knit but I'm not ready to do that.  I'm currently contented with the profit I reap from those.  But I was talking to the Etsy Cloth Diaper Team (or reading our forum) and really, I should sell those for $35 upwards to $50 since they're handknit and not sewn--especially for the detailed applique I add to some of them.  Anyway, I won't just yet.  But the fitteds were killing me.  I have a couple left at the old prices of $7 for velcro and $7.50 for snaps and I just raised the price by $1.

They're super cute, though, so they're worth it! Check them out:


  1. Hi & your a welcome addition to the Etsy Cloth Diaper team! Beautiful things in your shop!!!

  2. My gawd! These are super cute. You've been in my blogroll for awhile but I haven't been keeping track. Do you sell these? When I have some money I'd love to by some from you. How much? How many pounds do they fit. You are doing a great job!

  3. so adorable! You're so creative!!!!
