It can be a bit daunting when you first start out cloth diapering and you discover all these new "accessories" that you need to get. Things such as wipes, wet bags, diaper sprayers, and special detergents can sometimes seem like too much!
For me, getting laundry detergent for my cloth diapers was a big problem. It was hard enough building a decent diaper stash, carefully scrounging $20-$60 dollars each pay check for me to buy 1-3 diapers at a a time was trying on my patience. Meanwhile, I was wholeheartedly into cloth diapering full time so I was washing loads of 6-8 diapers at a time, 1-2 times a day so that I wouldn't have to put my Bunny in a yucky disposable. Until we were able to afford something better, we just used Tide. Not the best, I know, but it did the trick for awhile.
Finally, when my stash reached somewhere around 20 (around the time Bunny was 3-4 months old) I gave in and bought some Rockin" Green cloth diaper detergent. I have to say, I was disappointed. First of all, it's extremely small. Over time, I discovered that this wasn't an issue since it lasted me for about 2-3 months of washing cloth diapers every day or every two days. Secondly, the amazing smell that everyone raves about didn't reach past the little, muslin bag the detergent comes in. My diapers did not smell amazingly. Thirdly, it didn't eliminate the need to strip as everyone claims. Granted, that's probably due to the fact that my town has TERRIBLY hard water which we run through chemicals in a water softener, AND we have an HE machine. (I would have never guessed I'd be disappointed about having a washing machine that uses less water! Ha ha!). Over time, I discovered ways to compensate for our hard water and HE machine and I just do a MAD amount of rinses before and after washing, but by the time I figured it out, I was out of Rockin' Green. And, I"m sad to report that some of it spilled on the floor because I left the bag opened on the top of the machine and it scooted off the edge. I dutifully spooned up a few loads from the floor, though, so as not to waste one precious and expensive drop.
I don't think I will be replacing my bag of Rockin' Green. I mean, it's okay. It works. But it lacks the WOW factor everyone raves about.
Meanwhile, my husband came home from Sam's Club with a very LARGE and inexpensive bottle of Ecos--an all natural laundry detergent. Well, many detergents claim to be all natural in grocery stores so I wasn't sure if I was buying it. I read the label and it's pretty much free and clear of all these different chemicals that I can't pronounce, but I still wasn't sure.
So I googled it! Well, maybe I Swag Bucked it, but that's not what's important. What IS important is this amazing LIST I found at It's the most helpful detergent list I've ever seen! You should go check it out.
And guess what? No more buying detergent online for me because Ecos is rated as GREAT for cloth diapers! Yay!!!!
And what's best is that it smells amazing--like lavender--and it works great! When you cloth diaper you just get used to not being able to find any of your diapering necesities at actual brick and mortar stores located nearby so this is just wonderful, to me. And do you know what's even better? The only reason my sweetie pie even bought the detergent to begin with was that it was the cheapest. Woo hoo!!!
You know, we exclusively use Rockin Green and I love it. It's a tad pricey, but you only need 2-3 Tbs per load, so it lasts a VERY long time. Perhaps your issues were due to the hard water? Also, the scent issue - I think it depends on which scent you get, some are stronger than others.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to put this out there. :)
i wash my diapers with everything, and I use handmade soaps, works fine to me- if I don't wash the bumgenius diapers in a sani wash that is hotter than all get up- then they'll STINK!
ReplyDeleteI'll be a first time mom in August & plan on cloth diapering & in my research for a detergent, I've chosen Rockin' Green & currently use it on all my laundry.
ReplyDeleteAs this is the first negative review I've read about Rockin' Green, I have a couple questions for you:
Were you using the new Hard Rock?
If you were using Tide, did you follow Kim's special directions on Rocking A Soak for Tide users?
Did you contact Kim to help with the issues you were still having?
I just want to get a balanced view on your review since everyone that seemed to have initial issues when switching to RnG, contacted Kim and after working with her, the issues are gone & the diapers are better than ever.
FYI - your diapers aren't supposed to smell like Rockin' Green because it is supposed to completely rinse off. So the smell is simply for laundry-time enjoyment.
ReplyDeleteGlad you found that detergent.... and cheap! I'd love to read an update on how its doing on your diapers.
you might try Win Detergent. It gets the stink out of clothes. It really works. I work out a lot, and this stuff takes the smell out of these new wave fabrics.
ReplyDeleteWe use it on our sheets, on just about everything. No other detergent works as well.
Tide doesn't work at all on dry wicking fabrics. I was ready to throw my clothes out or burn them until i tried Win.
I've won some Rockin green and it smells SO good! I've heard it's supposed to wash out though, but I'd love for the diapers to smell like that! =)
ReplyDeleteWonder if I could find the Ecos here? I'll have to look.
Hey, I also have a question... When you bought PUL, did you buy the 1mil? A friend of mine says the 1mil she bought leaks. Just want to get a 2nd opinion before I buy. =) Thanks mama!
I have never used special detergent on my diapers (other than when the Natural baby company sent me samples to use on their tester diapers) and have never had any problems. I bought some RG with the rest of my FG credits to test it out, it worked well nothing amazing I probably won't buy again. I will have to check this out next time I am at Sam's
ReplyDeleteYou should really try Charlies Soap, its cheap, last forever and washes out wonderfully! We have and HE machine and hard water too, but we've NEVER had any problems with Charlies. Its also perfect for all of our other laundering needs as well.
ReplyDeleteWe just received a sample of Charlies soap to try. I have to let you know how we like it. I have read it voids a certain warranty, so I need to locate that info before using it.