
Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I'm so busy suddenly! I'm a part time Spanish teacher, in case you didn't know, and progress reports are due at my school tomorrow and, YIKES they're not ready! So, if you're waiting for another post from me, don't worry, there will be more beautiful baby pictures and sewing tutorials soon.  But for right now, I'm on hiatus because I need to finish grading some essays and then catch a breath or two playing with my adorable daughter and seeing my husband who is likewise very busy.  Blogging just takes second place next to my adorable little family. :-D


  1. I wish I spoke Spanish, what a wonderful gift/talent.

  2. Take your time, we'll be here...waiting patiently LOL!!! :O)

  3. Thanks so much!! =) You can email me
    garyandalesha at cox dot net
