
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm a Guest Blogger!

Check me out at The Cloth Diaper Whisperer where I tell my cloth diapering story!
Cool stuff!


  1. Okay, now it's my turn with a blogging question. How do you get to do guest blogging? I see people do it all the time, and I did it once on a blog where the blog owner was like, "Does anyone wanna guest blog?" I'd love to do it more.

  2. I spun years ago when I was a child. My mother is an amazing spinner, my mother in law spins and her husband makes wheels and gave us one. My 13 year old does most the spinning. I want to get back into it again.

  3. oh, 13 year old is my son, he weaves to :) and he makes drop spindles out of whatever

  4. Congrats on being a guest blogger! I wished I had known about the modern cloth diaper (that I now use) with my first child instead of learning about them with my second child at the age of 14months old.
