
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Isn't he awesome???



  1. I only used cloth for, well, like a minute and a half, but I know what he's doing! Good for him! I always thought that was kind of a pain, but I'm still not convinced that the ones I used were quite right.

  2. Oh, and um......HOW DID YOU DO YOUR BUTTON? I'm about to see if I can put it on my blog, and if it works, I'm SO getting a tutorial.

  3. Very impressed. I am to much of a control freak to allow Josh to do this, he would probably have a hard time knowing what insert goes with what diaper.

  4. I' However, I won't even let my hubby wash the diapers. And well he won't change a cloth diaper but he'll put a clean one on after baths. Better than nothing I guess :)
