
Sunday, December 13, 2009

A new endeavor

So, My stash of 23 diapers is pretty much all one sized pocket diapers--bumGenius, Happy Heinys, Haute Pockets, Tweedlebugs, FuzziBunz, Knickernappies, Smartipants--I love them. All of them. But I thought I'd try something new and do the old-fashioned prefolds. So I bought some. Yeah, I mentioned that before, I realize. I bought a big size because I want them to last a long time. That was mistake number one. They're HUGE!!! Then I bought my first diaper cover. My daughter just reached 13 lbs (barely) so I bought a medium Green earth cover. That was mistake number two. It is also huge on her. Mistake number three was that I didn't buy any pins or snappies to fasten my cloth diaper. So... when I tried this for the first time my poor little daughter had a HUGE but with a diaper that was nearly falling off of her. Yikes! I didn't realize that prefold diapers were so hard!
I really need a tutorial. I need someone to write a blog somewhere about the ins and outs of prefold diapers and diaper covers and fitted diapers.... because anything and everything that has to do with diaper covers just intimidates me. My husband too (and he's a pretty great cloth diaeprer!). He took one look at me trying to tackle these giant, floppy prefolds that went down to my daughter's knees, and the huge diaper cover (which is a good looking diaper cover, but apparently 13 pounds is different on different babies!) and said,
"No way! I'm not doing that! Becca, why are you even bothering with those when we have all these goood diapers in our stash?"
I could have responded with:
"Well, it's because I'm obsessed with cloth diapering!"
But I didn't think that would bode well for me in the future.
"Because it's supposed to be a cheaper way to cloth diaper, and I want to know how to do it, and I wanted to try it for traveling because they're easier to wash, and what if we run out... we'll just have plenty of these..." and I basically babbled on and on.

So, I'm pretty lost with this thing. How do you do it? I mean, I think my first course of action will be to buy some sort of fastener for the prefolds. I'm good with a pin. I used to use these things ALL THE TIME on my little brother when I was seven (I was a little mommy my whole life on my 6 younger siblings) so it's not like it's new or anything. I think the second thing I need to do is get a smaller cover. OR a one-size. I love my one sized diapers. They have never let me down. The Thirsties Duo covers look great. And I love the Blueberry cover. I'll get one or both of those... and if no one else writes a blog about prefolds and covers, I'll figure it out and write one myself :-)


  1. I haven't really figured out the whole prefold thing myself. I did a lot of research online, but they just never seemed to work right on my daughter. They do make good inserts, though :) Instead, I use flats with Thirsties Duo Wraps (love them!) to help reduce the wear and tear on my BumGenius one size diapers. I'm hoping that having a bigger stash means my diapers will last longer! As far as the Duo Wraps go, my daughter is a few weeks younger than yours, somewhere around 12 lbs and 24.5 inches with skinny legs, and she's on the middle rise setting. They fit her so well - no gaping at the legs whatsoever. We've had a few leaks with our BG, but never with the Duo Wraps.

  2. I just saw this today and thought of you:

    I would also recommend starting with a smaller size (at least to try it to see if you like it.) My baby is a little bigger than yours and mediums are just starting to fit her well. But I still like the small ones for a trim fit!
