
Friday, November 20, 2009


I've been contemplating for awhile whether or not I like knickernappies diapers. There are things about them that are definitely positive, but overall I find them awkward. When you buy knickernappies you have a choice of two inserts--regular mircofiber, or for $6 extra, the loopy do inserts which are a mixture of hemp and microfiber. I opted for the loopy dos, and they are favorite part of the knicernappies as they are extremely absorbent. However, since you can buy loopy dos separately, I won't be buying KN again in the near future.

My daughter currently weighs 12 1/2 pounds and for her size, the diaper is bulky and has an awkward fit. The snaps on the rise pull when I put the diaper on her, but she isn't big enough yet for the next size up. The snaps at the waist pull the leg elastics painfully tight around her legs while the waist is not nearly tight enough. I finally decided to snap the bottom snap near the legs further in so that the leg holes are looser while the stomach remains tolerably fitted. In addition, since the knickernappies snap to the side, it leaves lots of fabric to gather by her belly button.

Knickernappies is not a bad diaper, it's just my least favorite mostly for the poor and bulky fit. Some women say that it's a great diaper for toddlers, and I can imagine that it might be. However, since a one size diaper needs to be functional from 10-35 lbs, this diaper is not doing its job if it is not comfortably functional for my daughter.

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